Ret Soloing Magister’s Terrace 4.0.1

I have had a few comments wanting an update on soloing Burning Crusade dungeons.  Magister’s Terrace is by far the most popular for all the extra goodies hidden inside, and that’s where I started.  I already have a page dedicated to soloing Magister’s Terrace, for both normal and Heroic versions. Harder or Easier? Easier, by […]

How to Make WoW Gold – Solo ZF

Ret Pally – Making Wow Gold in Zul’Farrak (ZF) I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure I’d be making a ton of gold per hour farming ZF.  I know there are two primary sources of gold in here, and they are: Mageweave Cloth and Enchanting materials. My plan was to just run through all the mobs […]

Solo Stratholme (Undead) – Ret Paladin

Soloing Strathholme Any level 60 dungeon from vanilla World of Warcraft should be frustratingly easy to any level 80. That is why they make perfect targets for making gold. (See how I am repeating some of what I said from my Scholomance post? I’m cool like that.) Number one, it’s an instance, which means there […]

Solo Scholomance – Ret Paladin

Soloing Scholomance Any level 60 dungeon from vanilla World of Warcraft should be frustratingly easy to any level 80. That is why they make perfect targets for making gold. Number one, it’s an instance, which means there is no competition for loot or mobs. Two, you can repeat it over and over if you wish […]

Retribution Paladin Solo Content

What can a ret pally solo? Well, I’ve tried to list as much solo-able content as I can here. Browse through and see what extra gold and loot you can earn here! • Bloodlord Mandokir – ZG • High Priest Thekal – ZG • Hakkar – ZG • ZG All the Rest – ZG • […]

Retribution Paladin – Solo Chillmaw

How many of you out there are already just about numbed to the bone from sheer boredom thanks to the Argent Tournament daily quests? This retribution paladin is raising his hand. But, to get those Champion’s Seals, they must be done. The jousting quest on the tourny grounds is easy, as is the killing 15 […]