Paladin Real Talent – Introducing DunmerNL

Hello you guys and girls, My name is Patrick, 22 years old and I live in The Netherlands. I’ve been in contact with Abdou about trying to be helpful to the website by telling about my experiences as a retribution and protection paladin. I’ve been playing a Retribution Paladin since Classic, but been playing it […]

Retribution Paladin Patch 4.1 Live

As you well know, Patch 4.1 is live.  Nothing ground breaking for us Rets, but here is the lowdown on what we saw changed: General Righteous Fury now persists through death. Word of Glory now has a 20-second cooldown. Retribution Divine Storm now generates 1 point of Holy Power if it hits (i.e. successfully lands […]

Updated Retribution Info Coming Very Soon

Retribution Paladin information specific to Patch 4.1 will be updated once the patch goes live, or at least once I confirm it has gone live.  This will include all the major Retribution categories, which you can find listed neatly in the second menu bar above. I hesitate to put anything up immediately, mainly because you […]

Cataclysm 4-Month Review Part 2

I have got to thank every one of you who posted such great comments on the original post, Cataclysm 4-Month Review.  One of the best things about reading posts on the site is not necessarily the posts themselves, but the comments from other players.  It really gives a great perspective on how so many people […]

Patch 4.1 Next Week?

It looks like there is a very strong chance we could see Patch 4.1 go live next week.  Nothing is written in stone, of course, but all signs point to Patch 4.1 being very close to a release version going live.  I myself am stoked, and can’t wait to get started. I have stayed off […]

Cataclysm 4-Month Review

Cataclysm is nearing its fourth month, and I find myself in a different place gameplay-wise than when I started out.  World of Warcraft Cataclysm brought a brand new leveling experience and much harder end-game content.  That’s about as well as I can sum it up. My opinions on the expansion are mixed, but overall I […]

Patch 4.1.11 Notes

Blizzard released the notes for Patch 4.1.11 today.  We have some GREAT Retribution Paladin changes on the way!  Take a look: Paladins Judgement has been removed from the game. Judgment (new ability) unleashes the energy of a Seal for Holy damage. All talents and glyphs which referred to Judgement now correctly affect Judgment. The sound […]

New Month, New Warcraft News

It is April 1, so that means it’s always a good day for spectacular WoW news!  Rather than spin off some wild tale here at Retribution, Blizzard and MMO Champion have really outdone themselves this time.  I encourage you to go take a look at the NEW WoW features in the upcoming expansion! They […]

New 4.1 PTR Patch Update

New 4.1 PTR update and still nothing new for Retribution.  I think it is safe to say the Word of Glory change is the extent of different playstyle we will see with Retribution Paladins that are specific to Patch 4.1. You can see the updated 4.1 PTR Notes here: Patch 4.1 PTR Notes I’ll have […]

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Bye bye new website theme.  Thank you to everyone who gave me constructive (and not-so-constructive feedback).  While behind the scenes, the layout did some good things, it also did some not so good things as well. Every now and then, you will see me trying new things with the website.  Part of this is testing […]