Hey everyone! In my continuing journey on the PvP path, I am finding that coming across concrete Ret PvP information is few and far between. Much of our gear and builds are dependant on preferrential play style, BG and arena situations, as well as teammates and their spec/builds.
I am going to put together an article with some FAQs based on 10 Ret Paladins who PvP. Iwill create the list here, and if you would like to participate, answer in the comments section, and include your player name, armory link, server, etc. When I get 10 solid responses, I will post them together under one big article, a compendium of sorts, and a collective resource on Ret Paladins in PvP.
Looking at what other Ret Paladins do may help point others in a more precise direction. Not everything will by exactly the same, and I think it will be good for us to see what others are doing. Again, there is no set, one-way ticket to Ret PvP, so I am hoping this will be an extremely useful tool to the many Ret PvPers visiting this site.
I will include my own thoughts as well, and I thank all of you ahead of time that would like to participate. I will be linking your name, server, and armory with your answers, so there may be other Rets out there seeking advice from you specifically!
Retribution Paladin PvP FAQ:
- What Ret build/spec are you currently using?
- What gems do you use for BGs?
- What gems do you use for Arenas?
- What glyphs are you using?
- Are there any enchants you use that differ from PvE Ret?
- Recommended FCFS rotation?
- What PvE/Tier gear pieces do you use?
- Best PvP Ret trinkets?
- What is your minimum recommended resilience for BGs?
- What is your minimum recommended resilience for Arenas (2v2, 3v3, 5v5)?
- What 2v2 classes go best with Ret?
- What 3v3 classes go best with Ret?
- What 5v5 classes go best with Ret?
- General PvP Ret strategies?
- Suggested add-ons?
* I am still working on my own dedicated PvP articles. Ret PvP Enchants should be up tomorrow or the next day, and Glyphs, Seals, Rotation, and Spec are still in the works. I am trying very hard to get the most consistent information for you guys, so I’ll post it as I go, but only when I am confident the information runs with the majority of Ret PvPers out there!
i would suggest looking up
Tehseus – 2850 Retri/Shami 2v2 Movie – Arena Junkies Forums
this viedo has a 2 min run down of his build, gear, gems, glyhps, and some macros that he uses
i have gotten alot out of his guide, not that i arena in LK, but the general info is handy
I wondered how much dps each resi is equal to at each arena.
Senior Sergeant Tazak of Crushridge
What Ret build/spec are you currently using?
I am currently 7 / 11 / 51. For my 2s, I wanted to make sure I got improved hammer and it is quite useful in all situations to have a reduced CD for our stun.
What gems do you use for BGs?
You use the same as you do in arenas, STR unless to satisfy meta sockets and or the bonus is strength.
What gems do you use for Arenas?
Same as BGs.
What glyphs are you using?
I am currently using Glyph of Judgement, Glyph of Exorcism, and Glyph of Fear Undead for dealing with DK’s gargoyles, pet, and Warlock pets.
Are there any enchants you use that differ from PvE Ret?
The only different enchants are the helm and chest enchants which give attack power and resilience.
Recommended FCFS rotation?
Judgement > Hammer of Wrath > Crusader Strike > Divine Storm > Exorcism > Consecrate (Rarely, almost a waste of mana).
What PvE/Tier gear pieces do you use?
For BGs I use the T10 Helm and Gloves for fun, in arenas I rarely use them.
Best PvP Ret trinkets?
Best trinkets for PvP are the 264 PvP Trinket and Battlemaster(Attack Power).
What is your minimum recommended resilience for BGs?
You should be doing BGs no matter what your resilience.
What is your minimum recommended resilience for Arenas (2v2, 3v3, 5v5)?
You should be doing Arenas no matter what your resilience for points a week so you can get better gear. This frustrates me when people say, “Oh I’m not going to do arenas because my gear is bad”, that makes no sense. How are you supposed to get gear?
What 2v2 classes go best with Ret?
Mage, Rogue, or Death Knight. I run Boomkin / Ret which is rather unorthodox but works out alright.
What 3v3 classes go best with Ret?
I have yet to try 3′s so far. But from what I know, Hunter / Ret / Shaman works great, or replace the Shaman with a Priest.
What 5v5 classes go best with Ret?
I don’t do 5′s.
Suggested add-ons?
Add-ons are all up to you, but for Arenas I recommend Gladius which is an arena frame mod.
General PvP Ret strategies?
One of the biggest problems that I see other Paladins NOT doing is switching Auras for specific fights. Having Shadow or Frost aura makes a world of difference against a Warlock / Priest / Mage as certain spells have a greater chance to be resisted as well as damage reduction. While casters now socket Spell Penetration to about 120 to bypass it, you do get some resistance and ultimately benefits you in the end.
Hammer / Repetance / (Torrent if you are a Belf) management. While we can do amazing burst, we have barely any ways of interrupting and against high resilience targets, timing is everything. It’s just a matter of biding your time to getting your opponent into a position where they can’t afford to be interrupted by repentance / hammer / or torrent.
If you are ever in a 1v1 versus say a Shaman / Holy Paladin / Druid, or any type of wall with big hp and survivability, switch to Seal of Corruption. Getting near 900 ticks is invaluable to taking them down.
Sacred Shield is your friend and absorbs a huge amount of damage in a fight as well as helps you out with critting your flashes. It is a hassle to maintain the spell but if you can keep it up at all times, you will stay alive much longer.
One thing to is never EVER Judgement a target with a protective shield such as Ice Armor, Priest Bubble, or anything of that sort. If a Judgement is absorbed, you gain NO mana back at all. So use other abilities to break the shield first, then Judgement.
There are many many things that I have not mentioned in this little article about strategies but most of them are things that you just learn on your own. If you want to try out something new in a build, do it. Want to try out a glyph? Do it. Ret Paladins have no one perfect way to play them and are versatile to different play styles. Trying to find your own and what works for you is the hardest part.
Schei, Horde Kil’Jaeden
Nawtythawts, Horde Arena Tournament 1
What Ret build/spec are you currently using?
I just recently started PvPing on my main (for the first time since 2.4), so i’m still getting all my PvP gear (I’m currently in a full suit of Relentless gear) and as such my spec has much more survivability than my tournament realm character’s. In optimal gear, I go with 7/11/51 for Sacrifice and fear/blind reduction.
What gems do you use for Arenas?
I stack Str once Hit capped; Nightmare Tear and Relentless Earthsiege meta.
What gems do you use for BGs?
Pretty much the same as for arenas.
What glyphs are you using?
Glyphs of Seal of Righteousness, Judgement and Salvation. Salvation can be replaced with Exorcism depending on teammates.
Are there any enchants you use that differ from PvE Ret?
I use the Triumph Arcanum and Inscription on my main for the extra Res, but on my arena char I don’t need it so I go for the standard Crit enchants.
Recommended FCFS rotation?
In arenas I generally use HoJ > CS > DS > Ex > Cons (if in a group).
What PvE/Tier gear pieces do you use?
None. I prefer the PvP 4-set bonus. But if anything PvE, I’d recommend the T9 or T10 2-set bonuses for the extra long-term and burst damage.
Best PvP Ret trinkets?
On my tournament toon, I use the Medallion of the Horde; the resilience is amazing and the cooldown is practically mandatory.
What is your minimum recommended resilience for BGs?
BGs are basically giant HK orgies, so I imagine more Res couldn’t hurt. There’s probably a recommended cap, but I don’t BG seriously enough to know it.
What is your minimum recommended resilience for Arenas (2v2, 3v3, 5v5)?
I’mma stick to 3v3 cause I have the most experience there. Anywhere from 20-25% is good enough for me as long as there is a healer in the group. In DPS only teams, which btw I won’t ever recommend for 3s, more res might be necessary (or maybe less for more damage).
What 2v2 classes go best with Ret?
Either an awesome full-time healer with an incredibly damaging Ret, or a good hybrid like a Shaman who can off-heal and still deal decent damage. I’ve also seen Rogue, Warr, and Mage perform well with Ret.
What 3v3 classes go best with Ret?
My arena team is rocking Frost Mage, Resto Druid and Ret Pally, but I’ve seen Warrs, Locks, and Shammies all do well with them.
What 5v5 classes go best with Ret?
Dunno, all of the above?
General PvP Ret strategies?
While Ret is not a perfect PvP spec, I think there are only 2 major problems with their metagame that are noticeable and/or frustrating in combat: lack of a gap closer, as every melee class has one (even rogues with sprint/stealth) except Ret and Prot Pallies. Prot however has AS which helps to approach safely. Ret has no long-range approaches besides Repentance, which isn’t a gap closer anyway, and is a spell we’d rather save for interrupting, which is their other problem. Even as a Blood Elf, Ret Pallies don’t have a long-lasting interrupt to make safe approaches, so precise use of our limited interrupts is mandatory.
In arenas, I find the best ‘approach’ is to simply never leave melee range. This may seem obvious, but can still be difficult to do. HoJ is the key to keeping a foe in melee range constantly. Save Repentance for foes who can escape melee quickly (like Mages and Hunters), especially if they are strong ranged attackers (like Mages and Hunters).
Remember to use Sacred Shield, occasionally use instant FoL on yourself for the crit HoT, and change Auras when necessary.
Suggested add-ons?
I used to use Arena Unit Frames, but Gladius is way better.
Hope this helps! Looking forward to the information you find, Khor.
hey there. Tazak u said used Hammer of Wrath as secend skill
Recommended FCFS rotation?
Judgement > Hammer of Wrath > Crusader Strike > Divine Storm > Exorcism > Consecrate
how is that possible unless u do lots of dmg on ur judgement?
1. What Ret build/spec are you currently using? [b]5/6/51[/b]
wont be able to bubble for a while people tend to use that against you!
2. What gems do you use for BGs? Strenght nightmare, metagem
3. What gems do you use for Arenas? Strenght nightmare, metagem
4. What glyphs are you using? Same as Pve, judgement,Exor,vengens
5. Are there any enchants you use that differ from PvE Ret? None.
6. Recommended FCFS rotation? There aint no rotation.
7. What PvE/Tier gear pieces do you use? 25 man icc chest and ashen verdict ring.
8. Best PvP Ret trinkets? Death’s Choise, Darkmoon card, battle ragemaster, Whisperfang skull
9. What is your minimum recommended resilience for BGs? 1k+
10. What is your minimum recommended resilience for Arenas (2v2, 3v3, 5v5)? 1k+
11. What 2v2 classes go best with Ret? Rogue mage
12. What 3v3 classes go best with Ret? Resto druid Hunter ret
13. What 5v5 classes go best with Ret? Almost any setup with alot of ccs and burst.
14. General PvP Ret strategies? Depending if offensive or defensive, Always keep an eye on member since you can bubble sacrifce them. and save stun repent for moments you need them. dont use wings
15. Suggested add-ons? Gladius, Dmg, palypower, Cant remember the got damn addon that times everything in pve but also works for arena and bgs tells you when things starts >.<