A small list of changes, but some that might make you feel a bit more optimistic! Damage upgrades for Crusader Strike and Art of War. Blizz seems to be in fine-tune mode, so I think our griping days are behind us. Remember everyone, playing Ret will be a brand new game, so keep an open mind as we head into Cataclysm!
As usualy, I dug my info up from MMO Champion. Here are the specific Ret Paladin changes:
- Crusader Strike now causes 120% weapon damage, up from 100%.
- Selfless Healer now increases the effectiveness of Word of Glory’s heal by 25/50% when used on others.
- The Art of War now causes 100% additional damage, up from 30%.
The Crusader Strike boost is a big change, particularly because of how often we will be using Crusader Strike in our rotations. Art of War comes right behind it, with a 70% damage boost to Exorcism. Seeing that those two attacks will be prominent in Cataclysm, the apparent lack of solid DPS numbers may significantly improve with these buffs.
It seems like Crusader Strike got another buff on the PTR and is doing 156% weapon damage.
Sanctity of Battle was also reduced to one rank (with the full effect of 2).
This just in from MMO Champ
Crusader Strike now costs 10% of base mana, up from 5% of base mana.
Templar’s Verdict now deals 90% Weapon Damage when used with 2 Holy Power, down from 110%.
@slartie Crusader strike costing another 5% is like 50 mana more for level 80s which is nothing anyway. TV is fine, you dont really see rogues or ferals going in with onl 2-3 combo points, and if they are emphasising that we go for 3 hp TV then maybe a small buff on that hp generating talent might be incoming
(atleast i hope so)
Wonder how that will work with the glyphs we have ohhhh baby!!!!!!! 125 Weapon damage!!!!! IM STOKED!!
No one getting over 9k on a training dummy in a melee class, and paladins worst of all. im struggling to push 7.5k, yet im seeing casters holding 11k plus. My mate is doing 14.5k on a dummy as a boomy. We have to scale with our gear better in cata, its the only thing I can think of for such woeful dps with this new system. *prays*
After playing on the PTR for a week and several days with 4.0.1 I can safely say my DPS HAS Dropped. I like that paladins got an overhaul but the damage output is very low. DOUBLE IT BLIZZ !!!! COME ON!!! I am pulling about 1/2 the DPS I use to some times less. I wish they set the damage to be equal to what I am used to doing on both trash and single target. I feel like I used to wield a bazooka now I have been given a BB gun.
drakenmak, I see the same thing. Casters are doing way more dps/damage done, even ones with 500 points less gear score than my pally
On the plus side … I know which of my 10 toons I will delete so I can make room for a Worgen or Goblin!
Gotta say that after 1-2 hard hours i found a pretty useful “rotation”.
CS spam with a fillter ability(HW or judj) between CS gives u stable HP generation, put not too much in mastery, its crap for now, better cap all rating and go for crit/haste as they make TV crit(thats a must to make ur dps markable even for caster’s eye) and ur Art of war procs faster (ye, dont forget 200%!! of exorsism dmg bonus!).
Also, the point is: on dummy caster’s got more crit then melees plus their talents buff only their spell damage(brute force ^^). Look at nice talent called Eye for an eye. AHA! good chance that 30% of magic done to u goes to attacker. That sounds like a good dps buff, imagine it critting(maybe). Plus the 30% icc buff, u will easily get ur 11-12k (or even more) in icc with 6k gs.
It took me a while but these prios and talents made me do as much dmg as i did before 4.0.1 I won’t lie to you, casters pwn for now.
Btw, cheer up, retardins, blizz promised to buff us and nerf casters so i think the end of cata will be like always….retardins r OP xD