For those of you that can see this site…which is few…I am having to upgrade to a dedicated server, which has become a very painful process. Hoping to be online soon, but I have no estimate available.
UPDATE 1/5/2011 @ 0835am: Guys, we seem to have fixed the forbidden access problem, and now we are having server issues. It would appear the server recommended to me is quite incapable of handling this website.
You are probably seeing extremely slow page loads and missing images, etc. I am working hard with the host company to try and get this resolved, but again, I have no time table available. If you see the site down, it is because the server crashed and is attempting to reboot.
In all honesty, I am extremely angry with the hosting company because I feel misled on the capabilities of the server I was sold. Now, I may need a stronger server. I will keep you guys updated as this progresses.
I was worried this site died for a minute…
But patience will get you far. Sorry about the site Khor!