Headline, WoW General »

[2 Oct 2010 | 14 Comments | 1,640 views]
Moderation Further Enforced!

Hello everyone!  I want to thank all of you who continue to visit RetributionPaladins.com!  It’s a real pleasure to provide a resource that can help so many players out there!  It means a lot to read the comments you guys …

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Cataclysm, Development, Ret Paladin General, WoW General »

[26 Sep 2010 | 8 Comments | 4,114 views]
Ret Paladin Cataclysm Beta – Build 13066

New Beta build, and a couple very significant changes.  Our two core attacks for Cataclysm, Crusader Strike and Templar’s Verdict, each got a change.  One was for the better, and one was for the worse.  It does, however, clear up …

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Cataclysm, Development, Headline, Ret Paladin General, WoW General »

[25 Sep 2010 | 19 Comments | 11,140 views]
Ghostcrawler: Ret Was Broken

A recent post from Ghostcrawler leads off with, “Ret was broken.”  I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around those three words since I first read them, and I am having a hard time seeing eye to eye with Blizzard …

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Cataclysm, Development, Ret Paladin General, WoW General »

[25 Sep 2010 | 7 Comments | 24,155 views]
Ret Paladin PTR 4.0.1 – Build 13033

A small list of changes, but some that might make you feel a bit more optimistic!  Damage upgrades for Crusader Strike and Art of War.  Blizz seems to be in fine-tune mode, so I think our griping days are behind …

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Cataclysm, Gold Making, Headline, Professions, WoW General »

[24 Sep 2010 | 5 Comments | 2,311 views]
Profits Inbound for Inscription and Herbalism

That’s right.  If you have Herbalism or Inscription as a profession, the live release of Patch 4.0 is a date to circle on your calendar.  With the patch going live, we will be introduced to the new Glyph System.  The …

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Cataclysm, Ret Paladin General »

[24 Sep 2010 | 6 Comments | 2,009 views]
Cataclysm Ret Video

Hey everyone, the guys over at RetPaladin.com have put up a pretty nice video on Rets and rotations in Cataclysm.  Cheers to Megaphone and the crew over there for a great vid!  If you liked the video, head on over …

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Cataclysm, Development, Ret Paladin General, WoW General »

[19 Sep 2010 | 2 Comments | 3,382 views]
Ret Paladin Cataclysm Beta Build 12984

While this patch had a good amount of content in it, not much was done for us Rets.  What was done was a pretty significant change.  I am coming more nad more to the conclusion that we will truly be …

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Cataclysm, Development, Gear, Ret Paladin General »

[18 Sep 2010 | No Comment | 3,636 views]
Ret Paladin Glyphs Updated For Cataclysm

I updated the Ret Paladin Glyph page.  Keep in mind this is groundwork, so we have a set-up to build upon.  Some of the info is bound to change, so no chaos or raving rants just yet!  I am continuing to …

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Cataclysm, Development, Headline, Ret Paladin General, Solo Content, WoW General »

[16 Sep 2010 | 10 Comments | 3,886 views]
Last Chance for ZG Tiger and Raptor Mounts

If Zul’Gurub does indeed disappear with the Cataclysm expansion, then many a solo player, incuding us Rets, lose one of our favorite solo adventure playgrounds.  Not only does it hold a great source of gold farming, but it guards some …

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Cataclysm, Development, Headline, WoW General »

[13 Sep 2010 | 10 Comments | 2,648 views]
Cataclysm Release November 2?

Will Cataclysm be released the week of November 2nd?  Boubouille at MMO Champion seems to think so.  Before anyone goes crazy or spouts this off as fact, remember Blizzard has announced NOTHING in regards to Cataclysm release.  They may have …

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Cataclysm, Development, Headline, Ret Paladin General, WoW General »

[12 Sep 2010 | 18 Comments | 4,948 views]
Cataclysm PTR

(Updated 9/15/10) Cataclysm PTR and Khor is in!  Of course, anyone can be in the Cataclysm PTR if they want to!  This gives me an excellent chance to try out some of the new Ret Paladin talents and abilities, as …

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Gold Making, Headline »

[11 Sep 2010 | 7 Comments | 3,072 views]
Khor’s Gold Making Journal Sept ’10

(Updated 9/16/10) Khor made 75,000g to bank and save for Cataclysm.  Khor then realized he hit 75,000g very quickly, so aimed for 100,000g to bank and haul into Cataclysm.  The 100,000g has been reached, so now I wonder what to …

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Cataclysm, Development, Headline, Ret Paladin General, WoW General »

[9 Sep 2010 | 3 Comments | 2,760 views]
Ret Paladin Cataclysm Beta Build 12942

Another Cataclysm Beta build is upon us, and with it comes a good amount of changes and new information.  Tier 11 set bonuses, in addition to further talent tree tweaks highlight this most recent build.  We continue to see ups …

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Uncategorized »

[5 Sep 2010 | 26 Comments | 1,569 views]
Meet Khor Jr!

Sorry for my recent hiatus everyone.  My wife and I welcomed our second child yesterday.  Meet Khor Jr!  Wife and baby are doing well, and our two year old has been very sweet with her new baby brother.  These next …

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Cataclysm, Development, Headline, Ret Paladin General, WoW General »

[2 Sep 2010 | 5 Comments | 6,350 views]
Ret Paladin Cataclysm Beta Build 12857

The most recent Cataclysm Beta build is up and running.  Lots of new changes, including the increased level cap to 85.  For those of you that don’t know, that is max level for Cataclysm. Also, some sad news for our …

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Featured, Gear, Headline, Ret Paladin General »

[29 Aug 2010 | 19 Comments | 13,040 views]
Top 10 Common Ret Paladin Mistakes

In continuing my recent theme of Ret Paladin help, I would like to offer the top ten common mistakes Ret Paladins make.  On my forums, several of us Rets helping with giving out advice notice a consistent trend in the …

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Featured, Headline, Ret Paladin General »

[25 Aug 2010 | 15 Comments | 6,489 views]
My DPS Sucks in 5-Mans!

As a Ret Paladin, one of the huge factors that lures people into the class and spec is the ‘ease’ of combat and large DPS numbers.  I myself love the damage I can dish out!  But for some people, damage …

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Cataclysm, Development, Headline, Ret Paladin General »

[21 Aug 2010 | 5 Comments | 3,125 views]
Ret Paladin Cataclysm Beta Build 12803

There are only 4 changes that affect Ret Paladins directly in this most recent Beta build.  What is more interesting to me is the current Talent Calculator set-up for us.  I have my thoughts, and I will share them after …

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Gold Making »

[17 Aug 2010 | 4 Comments | 4,155 views]
Khor’s Gold Making Journal (Updated 8/25)

Welcome to Khor’s Gold Making Journal!  I will continue to do my normal gold making posts, but I wanted to have a constant page here on my site that lists what is currently making money for me.  Feel free to …

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Cataclysm, Development, Headline, Ret Paladin General, WoW General »

[15 Aug 2010 | 37 Comments | 4,251 views]
Ret Paladin Cataclysm Beta – Build 12759

Today, I get to work and open my browser. I check the forums on this site here, try to answer a few comments, and then move on over to MMO Champion to see the latest WoW news.  New Build info …

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