World of Warcraft Gold Making Guides
World of Warcraft Gold Making Guides
Looking for a good World of Warcraft gold making guide? Looking for free World of Warcraft gold making guides? Well you’ve come to the right place! Number one, never pay for gold making guides. There are plenty of World of Warcraft sites on the web that give good, solid methods of how to make gold in game.
My name is Khor, and I am a Ret Pally. Every single game I have played, I have gone by the name “Khor”. I am as real a person as you can get, and all my guides are legit and 100% from me. I experiment with gold making techniques, and I post about them here. While some ideas may be similar to others, I guarantee you I am writing my own original gold making methods.
I realize this is a Retribution Paladin focused site, but I also try to appeal to the casual World of Warcrafty gamer as well, because after all, that is what I am above all else. It is my gameplay style.
As I figure more gold making methods out, I will post them here. Some of these will eventually outdate, and the numbers may not add up to when they were origianlly posted…but the method is still valid and legit. Adapt my methods and customize them to your World of Warcraft gameplay style!
- Jewelcrafting
- Mining – Badlands
- Mining – Un’Goro Crater
- Herbalism – Hellfire Peninsula NEW!
- Herbalism – Terokkar Forest NEW!
- Herbalism – Shadowmoon Valley NEW!
- Herbalism – Netherstorm NEW!
- Herbalism – Storm Peaks
- Tailoring – Making Bags
- Enchanting – Disenchanting
- Alchemy – Flasks
- Scholomance
- Stratholme (Undead)
- Zul’Farrak (ZF)
- Heroic Instances: The New Gold Machine?
- Magister’s Terrace
Have you ever tried to solo doomwalker in BT? because he drop about 500g for 20 min.
Hey Boom, no I haven’t! Do you have any more info on this! I’m definitely game to try!
Slightly late, but it’s soloable as protection easily. Ulduar25man gear was the stuff the guy had in the guide I wrote. Apparently, the worst problem was that the boss stacks a sunder armour effect that can stack without limit. The boss however does a knockback which can allow the debuff to run out, as long as you don’t run so far away that he leashes back to his spawn point.
The application of this effect can be blocked/dodged/parried, too.
Though, It was soloable for DK tanks in T7.5 gear, T10 retadins might well be in with a shot if they know their stuff.
There is a spot in west fall where these level thirteen crabs spawn. They spawn in a relatively small area and since they are a quest mom there is no respawn timer. They drop cooking ingredients. That sell. You can make anywhere from 400-600g/hour depending on AH prices. It is relly nice way of make gold for Ret pallys since we have a plethora of AoEs.
Maybe its worth someone knocking up a little guide to solo-ing Doomwalker as a ret pally. Or even a prot one. The only reason i say this, is that in my experience, when someone says “Easily doable” they mean that they have done it several times and know the fight well enough to anticipate things which a less experienced person wouldn’t be ready for.
Skinning has been very good to me making money to me, if you stack it up or simply send all of your leather/arctic fur to an alt and dump at once it can make quite alot of money, also helps with levelling whilst killing beasts. farming for arctic fur and boreon leather can also bring in lots of cash just thought it might be a good idea to try it khor
Actually, I’m working on skinning right now
Hey all first of all awesome site man really nice tips for us imab palas
anyway about what Boomdizzle says thast true i have done him a few times well not alone but with a friend of mine hes kind hard to solo even hes a oldschool boss ,but he drops idd 500 gold + some BOE epic items last time kill him i got one tankin head from him and i sold it for 1300 gold
so it was pretty awesome i made like 1500 gold in one day so if i were u go give it a try
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