Comments on: Top 5 Reasons Your DPS is Low /top-5-reasons-your-dps-is-low/ A WoW Retribution Paladin guide with ret pally gear, leveling, pvp, raiding and stats. Retribution Paladins for World of Warcraft. Sun, 05 May 2013 07:52:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nooneimportant /top-5-reasons-your-dps-is-low/comment-page-1/#comment-42084 Mon, 09 Jul 2012 09:31:37 +0000 /?p=3962#comment-42084 If your dps is low it’s most likely because you lack the skill, gear and buffs do have their place but missing to hit certain abilities quickly enough by just tenths of a second can over the course of the fight result in the same dps loss as not even having any gems in any socket and/or being unenchanted completely.

By: Gallador /top-5-reasons-your-dps-is-low/comment-page-1/#comment-26462 Sun, 20 Nov 2011 00:28:36 +0000 /?p=3962#comment-26462 This forum saved WOW for me. Thank you so much everyone for all your input. It will always be my first port of call……

By: ironwulf /top-5-reasons-your-dps-is-low/comment-page-1/#comment-25707 Tue, 08 Nov 2011 15:06:06 +0000 /?p=3962#comment-25707 also it helps with food buffs and flasks of strength…..

By: ironwulf /top-5-reasons-your-dps-is-low/comment-page-1/#comment-25706 Tue, 08 Nov 2011 15:05:03 +0000 /?p=3962#comment-25706 i love the site…if i may, i play a ret pally and i always stay in top three of 10 man raids…alot of it is gear, reforging properly, geming for strength following rotation, i refresh inquisitiion and zealotry as often as possble, stay behind target that the tank has turned or run through if not….alot changed after WoTLK…and now i am excited as is my guild, that i hit so hard…..i ususally am one of last ones standing in raid boss fights……awarness is key and maximum damage is paramount…..rets have bad rep but upgrade ur gear as much as possible , gem for strength, buff, reforge, enchant and u will be fine..i hit for over 10k consitsantly in dungeons and up to 20k in raids…..long live ret pallys….;)

By: Azomoff /top-5-reasons-your-dps-is-low/comment-page-1/#comment-18128 Thu, 14 Jul 2011 16:18:41 +0000 /?p=3962#comment-18128 I’m playing a 61 pally atm but I’ve noticed a few things I’m having trouble with my DPS in 5 mans.
Positing after the pull and targeting / assisting the tank / focus for next target. I’m sure my positioning problem will be fixed with practice and but I always seems that I’m having trouble acquiring new targets after the last target dies. Also I seam to never get Hammer of Wraith & Exorcism off quick enough. Any recommendations on tactics or macros is greatly appreciated.

By: Spoilz /top-5-reasons-your-dps-is-low/comment-page-1/#comment-17466 Thu, 30 Jun 2011 10:57:26 +0000 /?p=3962#comment-17466 Hi, I just started out with Retribution Paladins and I’m frustrated, I am following the FCFS, I’m hit capped / Expertise capped, look at my char:
I’m topping 14-15K in Raids, I think I should do alot more with 354 Itemlevel?
It’s getting really annoying. I know I lack str from 2 of the gear pieces, Neck and Ring, just haven’t found anything better yet, can’t be the problem tho, I input my stats into and I got 18.5k that’s more reasonable I think?

I need help, someone please.

By: Blizzy /top-5-reasons-your-dps-is-low/comment-page-1/#comment-15059 Fri, 13 May 2011 20:24:07 +0000 /?p=3962#comment-15059 Gladly Blizzard has introduced the dummy targets in big cities for us to be able to test our potential without group buffs. Remember to keep testing yourself when you make a small change as a ret pally to see where you stand and keep pushing yourself for higher dps on the boss/raid target dummy instead of the 85 mob dummy. Can give u a better feel for what to expect out of yourself within a group which feels awesome 😛

By: Ome /top-5-reasons-your-dps-is-low/comment-page-1/#comment-14883 Mon, 09 May 2011 02:30:05 +0000 /?p=3962#comment-14883 Ret’s dps is a lot based on buildup in my experience. In Wotlk this was the case already a bit with the need of SoT(SoV @ wotlk) to stack up to 5, along with the t10-libram, now with Inquisition buffing all holy (<- basically all but white melee hits) damage with 30%, this imo w=even more confirms of the so called Steamroller-dps a ret paladin is.

The long buildup dps can be compensated on the meter with proper cooldown management, still Retribution is tied down to 1st stack up 3 holy power to pop inquisition ( dont pop zealotry n then inq, you waste a nice TV with it)

If you are running a random hc, with some very good dps along, its hard to get on top of a meter, as most mobs area dead before your SoV is stacked on the target ( as i personalle cba to pop my aoe seal normally 😛 slackadin ftw)

Im playign on 359 item level, and im around 17-20k overall dps mostly, some stand-still fights i can reach higher. but like mentioned above: keeping up Inquisition is a dire must if you want to be of any meaning on a dps meter. next to that you should ofc know your spell-priority's: Heavy hitters are nice to blow asap, but spamming CS when on CD is very very considerable to do instead as CS is THE main holy power generator. and therefore key to popping your heavy hiiter TV. Procced Exorcisms have enough time on it to allow you to pop a CS anyway, so you keep your holy power-reg @ a max, an still are able to use the procced Exo or TV(hand of light) as a filler, whilst maximising HP-generation.

@ least that is my view and experience in it.

Good knowledge and insight of a fight is very important as well: what a waste it is if you just popped a shiny CD, and you need to swap target for example. nothing to do there, its just the design sometimes, (think of Atramedes or Omnotron defense system-fights, or even worse; Ascendant counsil, where your 1st target: Ignacious is very likely to take most damage, and you need 2 hold off because of the HP-balance)

I know it may sound excessive to go on multiple forums and stuff to dig into information, but if you want to get the max out of a character, you need to put in effort as well. High dps doesnt come from silly buttonsmashing anymore nowadays. Retri has a clear spell priority, and Inquisition is a dire must to keep up.

My regards, and thanks to Khor, who admins this site

Omebagger – Arathor EU

By: Somedude /top-5-reasons-your-dps-is-low/comment-page-1/#comment-14596 Tue, 03 May 2011 06:12:40 +0000 /?p=3962#comment-14596 Nice article…

I was wondering you would get more into specifics and tactics, to-do things. The Inquisition part makes sense, and I do religious follow it, likewise for Zealtory and AW.

I do have a question though, would it be possible for you to list down DPS brackets one should expect/achieve at a certain ilvl? For example, a 333 guy should be pulling say 3-4K, 346 would be about 6-8K? and so on…

I dont usually do PVE and I am not sure as to when exactly I can start raiding. My ilvl is roughly 349, and the highest DPS I have pulled is 16K on heroics. Maybe you can help with some inputs here

Thanks in advance…

By: Gucci /top-5-reasons-your-dps-is-low/comment-page-1/#comment-14357 Wed, 27 Apr 2011 17:39:25 +0000 /?p=3962#comment-14357 Thank you so much for making this website! I’m so looking forward to using all of this information to improve my Paladin.
