Comments on: Retribution Paladins Cataclysm – Day 4 /retribution-paladins-cataclysm-day-4/ A WoW Retribution Paladin guide with ret pally gear, leveling, pvp, raiding and stats. Retribution Paladins for World of Warcraft. Sun, 05 Aug 2012 01:21:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: neo /retribution-paladins-cataclysm-day-4/comment-page-1/#comment-8160 neo Thu, 16 Dec 2010 01:36:51 +0000 /?p=3631#comment-8160 tanks always roll on the dps gear, but cry if dps roll on tank gear, generally i dont roll on tank gear if im dpsing simple fact that i can tank but couldnt be bothered, also new to it and dont want to be the reason for failure lol means he should get it if he wants, that said if hes a dick and rolls on my dps gear ill roll o his tank gear even if i dont need it, attitude goes along way....... back on topic of dps my single target dps is good kinda dies inbtween CD's but i cna do 11-12k with mostly blues, no heroics yet, but aoe is woeful, DS is pitiful, i loved topping the charts of icc trash when we had seal of command, and t10 bonus tanks always roll on the dps gear, but cry if dps roll on tank gear, generally i dont roll on tank gear if im dpsing simple fact that i can tank but couldnt be bothered, also new to it and dont want to be the reason for failure lol means he should get it if he wants, that said if hes a dick and rolls on my dps gear ill roll o his tank gear even if i dont need it, attitude goes along way……. back on topic of dps my single target dps is good kinda dies inbtween CD’s but i cna do 11-12k with mostly blues, no heroics yet, but aoe is woeful, DS is pitiful, i loved topping the charts of icc trash when we had seal of command, and t10 bonus

By: Lykaon /retribution-paladins-cataclysm-day-4/comment-page-1/#comment-7941 Lykaon Mon, 13 Dec 2010 17:59:12 +0000 /?p=3631#comment-7941 @Xav: I apologize for coming off as rude. I don't treat the DPS (or healers) rudely. I generally start out a group with "FYI, my main spec is Ret so I'll be rolling on DPS gear as well." I don't know actually say "if you don't like it, you can leave" though I guess that's implied. I try to be nice and as respectful to people as I can, but it's realy about economics. Tanks are in high demand and if you are willing to tank then you're really doing everyone a favor. Though I never actually say that to people in a group, I certainly also rarely get any sort of acknolwedgement of *my sacrifice* either so the sword cuts both ways. I don't want to tank. I want to DPS. The mechanics of the game and the class role economy are such that I am much more valuable as a tank. Therefore, I can help everyone by biting the bullet and tanking. I feel like it's a nice thing for me to do. I'm not royalty for tanking. I'm not even a raiding tank. But I am doing something that a lot of people refuse to do. And my reward for that is that I am more valuable to the community as a whole. I didn't create the mechanics of the game that have yielded this outcome, but I sure am going to take advantage of the mechanics the best I can. That's what playing a game is all about, afterall. @Xav: I apologize for coming off as rude. I don’t treat the DPS (or healers) rudely. I generally start out a group with “FYI, my main spec is Ret so I’ll be rolling on DPS gear as well.”

I don’t know actually say “if you don’t like it, you can leave” though I guess that’s implied.

I try to be nice and as respectful to people as I can, but it’s realy about economics. Tanks are in high demand and if you are willing to tank then you’re really doing everyone a favor. Though I never actually say that to people in a group, I certainly also rarely get any sort of acknolwedgement of *my sacrifice* either so the sword cuts both ways.

I don’t want to tank. I want to DPS. The mechanics of the game and the class role economy are such that I am much more valuable as a tank. Therefore, I can help everyone by biting the bullet and tanking. I feel like it’s a nice thing for me to do.

I’m not royalty for tanking. I’m not even a raiding tank. But I am doing something that a lot of people refuse to do. And my reward for that is that I am more valuable to the community as a whole. I didn’t create the mechanics of the game that have yielded this outcome, but I sure am going to take advantage of the mechanics the best I can. That’s what playing a game is all about, afterall.

By: Xav /retribution-paladins-cataclysm-day-4/comment-page-1/#comment-7939 Xav Mon, 13 Dec 2010 17:46:11 +0000 /?p=3631#comment-7939 I think that offspec in dungeons is whatever you are not queued as and might be different from what you actually do outside your raid or guild. Anyway I think that the correct way to handle this is that whoever needs the upgrade more should get the piece, after all we are there because we need to improve. If the piece is going to give me 1% more DPS and the other guy is going to improve 3% I give them the gear because difference is significant. @Lykaon: I don’t find particularly attractive the way you see the things although I admit that is a roll on luck and your warning level the playground. I just hope that you’re not as rude to DPSers as you are here because it might not be really necessary on dungeons but I have wiped on Raids because DPSers are not up to the needs of the raid and most tanks I know (Warriors and Druids) actually think that they are from royalty and DPSers are commoners. I think that offspec in dungeons is whatever you are not queued as and might be different from what you actually do outside your raid or guild. Anyway I think that the correct way to handle this is that whoever needs the upgrade more should get the piece, after all we are there because we need to improve. If the piece is going to give me 1% more DPS and the other guy is going to improve 3% I give them the gear because difference is significant.

@Lykaon: I don’t find particularly attractive the way you see the things although I admit that is a roll on luck and your warning level the playground. I just hope that you’re not as rude to DPSers as you are here because it might not be really necessary on dungeons but I have wiped on Raids because DPSers are not up to the needs of the raid and most tanks I know (Warriors and Druids) actually think that they are from royalty and DPSers are commoners.

By: Lykaon /retribution-paladins-cataclysm-day-4/comment-page-1/#comment-7910 Lykaon Mon, 13 Dec 2010 14:19:05 +0000 /?p=3631#comment-7910 I queue as a tank for a faster queue AND I roll on Ret gear. My main spec is Ret and I need to gear that up for raiding. I could wait for the queues, sure, but that doesn't help me OR the dps that I end up with in my group. I start every dungeon by making it clear that I intend to roll on dps gear for my main spec. If dps doesn't like that, they can leave and wait another hour. I'll have another dps within seconds. They won't have such luck. On the same token, I have no problem with the DPS rolling on tank gear. Blizzard introduced the dual-spec mechanic and I pretty much expect that every toon is gearing up two specs. I use both of mine extensively, and I realize that others do the same. I think the mentality of "only roll on what you queued as" is both short-sighted and unfortunate. It prevents tanks from queuing, which is detrimental to everyone. More tanks have to queue so that people can do dungeons faster. If people aren't going to respect the fact that I'm willing to "take one for the team" and tank, then I've got no use for them. I queue as a tank for a faster queue AND I roll on Ret gear. My main spec is Ret and I need to gear that up for raiding. I could wait for the queues, sure, but that doesn’t help me OR the dps that I end up with in my group.

I start every dungeon by making it clear that I intend to roll on dps gear for my main spec. If dps doesn’t like that, they can leave and wait another hour. I’ll have another dps within seconds. They won’t have such luck.

On the same token, I have no problem with the DPS rolling on tank gear. Blizzard introduced the dual-spec mechanic and I pretty much expect that every toon is gearing up two specs. I use both of mine extensively, and I realize that others do the same.

I think the mentality of “only roll on what you queued as” is both short-sighted and unfortunate. It prevents tanks from queuing, which is detrimental to everyone. More tanks have to queue so that people can do dungeons faster. If people aren’t going to respect the fact that I’m willing to “take one for the team” and tank, then I’ve got no use for them.

By: Slackergrim /retribution-paladins-cataclysm-day-4/comment-page-1/#comment-7850 Slackergrim Sun, 12 Dec 2010 20:31:58 +0000 /?p=3631#comment-7850 I feel our DPS has gotten a skyrocket, especially on bosses. It takes a bit to ramp up because you want Inquisition up before you pop wing, ect. but after you get it up once (and try not to let it fall off) dps rocks. I would often be top or 2nd on the charts and thats with a PvP Ret Spec. On a related note to CCs. Don't forget that we have a kick no (its called rebuke or something but I just remember it as kick). From a tank perspective, I've noticed that I take the most dmg from cast spells. SO do your group a favor and kick a caster. Grats on 85 Khor. I feel our DPS has gotten a skyrocket, especially on bosses. It takes a bit to ramp up because you want Inquisition up before you pop wing, ect. but after you get it up once (and try not to let it fall off) dps rocks. I would often be top or 2nd on the charts and thats with a PvP Ret Spec.

On a related note to CCs. Don’t forget that we have a kick no (its called rebuke or something but I just remember it as kick). From a tank perspective, I’ve noticed that I take the most dmg from cast spells. SO do your group a favor and kick a caster.

Grats on 85 Khor.

By: nub /retribution-paladins-cataclysm-day-4/comment-page-1/#comment-7825 nub Sun, 12 Dec 2010 12:57:27 +0000 /?p=3631#comment-7825 Yeah i kind of notice too. But man sometimes its discouraging to see our dps being so top and now low. but anyhow i enjoy reading your blogs. I will update you as well with my paladins situation. Regarding the leveling, we actually went by very smooth. The our heals.LoY,Divine Protection really made a big diff at some difficult situations. Anyhow, i will be farming Valor points soon and such. Keep updating!! Yeah i kind of notice too. But man sometimes its discouraging to see our dps being so top and now low. but anyhow i enjoy reading your blogs. I will update you as well with my paladins situation.

Regarding the leveling, we actually went by very smooth. The our heals.LoY,Divine Protection really made a big diff at some difficult situations.

Anyhow, i will be farming Valor points soon and such. Keep updating!!

By: Darthal /retribution-paladins-cataclysm-day-4/comment-page-1/#comment-7793 Darthal Sun, 12 Dec 2010 01:57:18 +0000 /?p=3631#comment-7793 I assume the obsidium ore is in the AH making a fortune hehe. I'm noticing pulling ahead on most classes for dps after 10 seconds or so, ramp up for boses is nuts. BTW I love Guardian of Ancient Kings! I assume the obsidium ore is in the AH making a fortune hehe. I’m noticing pulling ahead on most classes for dps after 10 seconds or so, ramp up for boses is nuts. BTW I love Guardian of Ancient Kings!

By: Meshka /retribution-paladins-cataclysm-day-4/comment-page-1/#comment-7782 Meshka Sat, 11 Dec 2010 22:02:01 +0000 /?p=3631#comment-7782 I'm having alot of trouble keeping up with AoE dps, my boss dps is great though I’m having alot of trouble keeping up with AoE dps, my boss dps is great though

By: SAS /retribution-paladins-cataclysm-day-4/comment-page-1/#comment-7772 SAS Sat, 11 Dec 2010 19:19:39 +0000 /?p=3631#comment-7772 Dps is average/good, but aoe is still ridiculous. Aoe - i done about 5-8k dps DeathKnight 14-18k. Boss - i done 8,5-11k and same +- dps another guys Dps is average/good, but aoe is still ridiculous. Aoe – i done about 5-8k dps DeathKnight 14-18k. Boss – i done 8,5-11k and same +- dps another guys

By: Zonama /retribution-paladins-cataclysm-day-4/comment-page-1/#comment-7768 Zonama Sat, 11 Dec 2010 17:48:38 +0000 /?p=3631#comment-7768 It seems to be a standoff Khor mats for Bsing and Mining suck heroics are hard to get into and gear is dumb to get faction gear is nice and im think im gunna run random normals and get rep till i hit better gear Obsidion sucks to get and fishing as well It seems to be a standoff Khor mats for Bsing and Mining suck heroics are hard to get into and gear is dumb to get faction gear is nice and im think im gunna run random normals and get rep till i hit better gear Obsidion sucks to get and fishing as well
