Comments on: Cataclysm 4-Month Review /cataclysm-4-month-review/ A WoW Retribution Paladin guide with ret pally gear, leveling, pvp, raiding and stats. Retribution Paladins for World of Warcraft. Sun, 05 Aug 2012 01:21:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: William Baylor /cataclysm-4-month-review/comment-page-1/#comment-16897 William Baylor Fri, 17 Jun 2011 07:43:15 +0000 /?p=4284#comment-16897 Been playing 3 years, fully geared from za & za for raids but cant raid anyway after 7 months into cata! No one to raid with! My guild has 10 raiders that raid every week but they are getting tired and we cant get anymore raiders to make a second team! People dont have this kind of time to spend on raiding and heroics that beast you to death week after week! All the fun is going from the game and if you cant get gear, why play! WOW has created the most abusive game in the world. People call people stupid, dumb, retarted, #$% holes, mother #$%@#@$, just to name a few! Thats abuse folks, done by the ignorant morons that play this game and allowed by WOW! Been playing 3 years, fully geared from za & za for raids but cant raid anyway after 7 months into cata! No one to raid with! My guild has 10 raiders that raid every week but they are getting tired and we cant get anymore raiders to make a second team! People dont have this kind of time to spend on raiding and heroics that beast you to death week after week! All the fun is going from the game and if you cant get gear, why play! WOW has created the most abusive game in the world. People call people stupid, dumb, retarted, #$% holes, mother #$%@#@$, just to name a few! Thats abuse folks, done by the ignorant morons that play this game and allowed by WOW!

By: Markus Hansson /cataclysm-4-month-review/comment-page-1/#comment-13948 Markus Hansson Tue, 19 Apr 2011 11:55:49 +0000 /?p=4284#comment-13948 Great, first they give us the buff from 10 sec, to 30. Then they take it away again. Blizzard hates the paladin, scrap it and give us back our golden age of WotLK!! Great, first they give us the buff from 10 sec, to 30. Then they take it away again. Blizzard hates the paladin, scrap it and give us back our golden age of WotLK!!

By: Amoralen /cataclysm-4-month-review/comment-page-1/#comment-13924 Amoralen Tue, 19 Apr 2011 02:26:28 +0000 /?p=4284#comment-13924 After a year of playing and putting Cata through it's paces I am reluctantly leaving the game. The reasons are: 1) Raiding is an absloute nightmare unless you are hardcore (multiple marathon night sessions) and are in a hardcore guild. Casual players or serious players not in raiding guilds need not apply. 2) Just when I have gotten fairly decent at pvp and have started enjoying myself Blizzard takes the nerf bat to WoG. This has been beaten to death but suffice it to say they have handled the whole situation quite clumsily. After going through the pvp hell that was the end of WOTLK I have no patience for the coming repeat. Sub is cancelled. 3) I am watching population levels sink. The writing is on the wall. 4) I have noticed Khor's enthusiasm waning. Best indicator of all. After a year of playing and putting Cata through it’s paces I am reluctantly leaving the game. The reasons are:

1) Raiding is an absloute nightmare unless you are hardcore (multiple marathon night sessions) and are in a hardcore guild. Casual players or serious players not in raiding guilds need not apply.

2) Just when I have gotten fairly decent at pvp and have started enjoying myself Blizzard takes the nerf bat to WoG. This has been beaten to death but suffice it to say they have handled the whole situation quite clumsily. After going through the pvp hell that was the end of WOTLK I have no patience for the coming repeat. Sub is cancelled.

3) I am watching population levels sink. The writing is on the wall.

4) I have noticed Khor’s enthusiasm waning. Best indicator of all.

By: sasquatchone /cataclysm-4-month-review/comment-page-1/#comment-13811 sasquatchone Sat, 16 Apr 2011 21:08:47 +0000 /?p=4284#comment-13811 30 Minute ques for heroics are sad. Heroics in a pug are long and expensive. Casuals players and many former "raiders" don't have the skill or ambition for end game cata bosses. I find my Guild larger and full of unskilled wannabees. I feel Blizz screwed up by making the gear level for 10/25 man raids equal. My subscription ends in a month. I'm done. 30 Minute ques for heroics are sad. Heroics in a pug are long and expensive. Casuals players and many former “raiders” don’t have the skill or ambition for end game cata bosses. I find my Guild larger and full of unskilled wannabees. I feel Blizz screwed up by making the gear level for 10/25 man raids equal. My subscription ends in a month. I’m done.

By: Kreet /cataclysm-4-month-review/comment-page-1/#comment-13810 Kreet Sat, 16 Apr 2011 20:51:58 +0000 /?p=4284#comment-13810 Some fantastic comments on this thread, nice to see some balanced discussion rather than the normal learn your class comments etc etc. I've been playing since just before TBC came out. Have been in a couple of guilds and raided some TBC content, but not the final raids. Come WoTLK I did a faction and server swap to Frostmourne with a rl mate and joined another guild. Did very well there and raided most things. We couldn't quite drop LK but had a lot of fun trying. Cata releases and everyone is still fired up and keen from our LK attempts. Now our guild has just about fallen apart. We have gone from a raid leader who ran Ulduar to get the legendary mace to a guy who is now never on. We are a casual 10 man guild and used to run content with a different team most weeks. We used a core group of probably 6 players and changed the others around. Now we get on on Friday nights and only 2 people are online. The difficulty has decimated the guild. For the first time since I started I am seriously considering closing my subscription and finding another game. While I totally agree that WoTLK was too easy in the heroics and that epics were just given away the raids still gave a test to casual guilds. The step up in Cataclysm heroics has been huge and I like it that we have to work to get some good gear, but the step into raids imo has been far too high. I turned 40 last year and now find that trying to raid has a big impact on my family time and also how tired I am at work the day after we attempt a raid. I would like to see the normal vs heroic modes that have been suggested above and give casual players who cannot afford the time to raid 3 -4 nights a week. The suggestion of BH having 6 bosses appeals to me, and a loot table that is not just pvp based would be good. At least then a lot more players would have the ability to complete a raid and the hardcore players still have the challenge they want. I'll see what 4.1 brings along but may spend my gaming dollars and time on something else. Its been a fantastic game that I have really enjoyed bu the has suddenly lost its shine. Some fantastic comments on this thread, nice to see some balanced discussion rather than the normal learn your class comments etc etc.

I’ve been playing since just before TBC came out. Have been in a couple of guilds and raided some TBC content, but not the final raids. Come WoTLK I did a faction and server swap to Frostmourne with a rl mate and joined another guild. Did very well there and raided most things. We couldn’t quite drop LK but had a lot of fun trying.

Cata releases and everyone is still fired up and keen from our LK attempts. Now our guild has just about fallen apart. We have gone from a raid leader who ran Ulduar to get the legendary mace to a guy who is now never on.

We are a casual 10 man guild and used to run content with a different team most weeks. We used a core group of probably 6 players and changed the others around. Now we get on on Friday nights and only 2 people are online.

The difficulty has decimated the guild. For the first time since I started I am seriously considering closing my subscription and finding another game.

While I totally agree that WoTLK was too easy in the heroics and that epics were just given away the raids still gave a test to casual guilds. The step up in Cataclysm heroics has been huge and I like it that we have to work to get some good gear, but the step into raids imo has been far too high.

I turned 40 last year and now find that trying to raid has a big impact on my family time and also how tired I am at work the day after we attempt a raid.

I would like to see the normal vs heroic modes that have been suggested above and give casual players who cannot afford the time to raid 3 -4 nights a week. The suggestion of BH having 6 bosses appeals to me, and a loot table that is not just pvp based would be good. At least then a lot more players would have the ability to complete a raid and the hardcore players still have the challenge they want.

I’ll see what 4.1 brings along but may spend my gaming dollars and time on something else.

Its been a fantastic game that I have really enjoyed bu the has suddenly lost its shine.

By: Boogieknight /cataclysm-4-month-review/comment-page-1/#comment-13788 Boogieknight Sat, 16 Apr 2011 08:57:43 +0000 /?p=4284#comment-13788 Hate raiding, Only do heroics to get valor, Archaeology has tested my last nerve, And I would probably just bail on this game if I didn't feel guilty about it in some ways since I got promoted to an officer I joined very late in Wrath to play with my friends, I picked up the mechanics as fast as I could and I tried to not be a burden. I learned to play 3.3.3 Ret, then 4.0.1, then stayed up to date with all the myriad of changes since. The guild I joined with my friends had been plugging away to down the Lich King, but had issues with Sindragosa and had near misses and wipes with 1% health or something obscene like that. They just stopped because it wasn't fun and they were a close-knit social guild with friends and family. Cata came out and we blasted through leveling and tried our hand at heroics and stumbled through those and they sucked. Then when we attempted Magmaw we basically died inside and that was the beginning of the end for my guild (and many others.) Wipe after wipe after wipe, it wasn't fun, it sucked ass, and frankly was a slap in the face. Since then most of the officers either left the guild, quit playing, or just started leveling another toon, messing around, or taking a break and ignoring cata content. For starter expansion material this is stupid, one-shot mechanics are pointless and just do nothing but piss people off. Latency sucks now and they know something is up. That 0.5 second chance to inerrupt is moot if you have a 400ms latency, and frankly one-shotting stuff just changes the difficulty from managing the mechanic to avoiding the mechanic. Not a skill check, just a reflex check which is best left to PvP in my opinion. Whatever any of you say about this I still say this expansion was made for the elite or the hardcore. If you're dilligent and casual you can survive with considerably more effort than you previously did, but this was made for people who yawned and bitched about Wrath being easy. They wanted what we have and we have to suffer for not meeting their standards. Cataclysm has pretty much left me lacking in the ability to care anymore, even though I finally have a Magmaw kill from a PuG. I would have much rather been able to kill that with my guild which for the most part is a shadow of what it was. Screw you guild leveling and achievements. Hate raiding,
Only do heroics to get valor,
Archaeology has tested my last nerve,
And I would probably just bail on this game if I didn’t feel guilty about it in some ways since I got promoted to an officer

I joined very late in Wrath to play with my friends, I picked up the mechanics as fast as I could and I tried to not be a burden. I learned to play 3.3.3 Ret, then 4.0.1, then stayed up to date with all the myriad of changes since. The guild I joined with my friends had been plugging away to down the Lich King, but had issues with Sindragosa and had near misses and wipes with 1% health or something obscene like that. They just stopped because it wasn’t fun and they were a close-knit social guild with friends and family. Cata came out and we blasted through leveling and tried our hand at heroics and stumbled through those and they sucked. Then when we attempted Magmaw we basically died inside and that was the beginning of the end for my guild (and many others.) Wipe after wipe after wipe, it wasn’t fun, it sucked ass, and frankly was a slap in the face. Since then most of the officers either left the guild, quit playing, or just started leveling another toon, messing around, or taking a break and ignoring cata content.

For starter expansion material this is stupid, one-shot mechanics are pointless and just do nothing but piss people off. Latency sucks now and they know something is up. That 0.5 second chance to inerrupt is moot if you have a 400ms latency, and frankly one-shotting stuff just changes the difficulty from managing the mechanic to avoiding the mechanic. Not a skill check, just a reflex check which is best left to PvP in my opinion. Whatever any of you say about this I still say this expansion was made for the elite or the hardcore. If you’re dilligent and casual you can survive with considerably more effort than you previously did, but this was made for people who yawned and bitched about Wrath being easy. They wanted what we have and we have to suffer for not meeting their standards.

Cataclysm has pretty much left me lacking in the ability to care anymore, even though I finally have a Magmaw kill from a PuG. I would have much rather been able to kill that with my guild which for the most part is a shadow of what it was. Screw you guild leveling and achievements.

By: Malloreigh [Antonidas] /cataclysm-4-month-review/comment-page-1/#comment-13742 Malloreigh [Antonidas] Fri, 15 Apr 2011 16:08:59 +0000 /?p=4284#comment-13742 "Galahadnt says: If you’re going to represent the casual player, you might want to actually represent a casual guild." The fact that we kill bosses efficiently does not mean we are hardcore, we don't dedicate much time to raiding, as i said we raid 2 nights a week, we only have one 10 man group. If 2 nights are enough to clear all content, of course i'm not going to agree to making them easier. In the end I am entitled to my opinion just as you are to yours. “Galahadnt says: If you’re going to represent the casual player, you might want to actually represent a casual guild.”

The fact that we kill bosses efficiently does not mean we are hardcore, we don’t dedicate much time to raiding, as i said we raid 2 nights a week, we only have one 10 man group. If 2 nights are enough to clear all content, of course i’m not going to agree to making them easier.

In the end I am entitled to my opinion just as you are to yours.

By: TyphoonAndrew /cataclysm-4-month-review/comment-page-1/#comment-13645 TyphoonAndrew Thu, 14 Apr 2011 02:58:56 +0000 /?p=4284#comment-13645 I take your points and like the idea, however the example of Molten Core is dead wrong from my perspective. I didn't raid that place for months because I loved it, I raided there for so long as we had no other choice. ZG was released well after MC and that added an extra instance where we could fight at the beginning of gear levels. MC was brutal, tough, and unforgiving. That is the reason that the divide was so wide between the raiders and casuals in the original game. There was no alternate path, so you raided MC until you had the gear needed, or quit. I take your points and like the idea, however the example of Molten Core is dead wrong from my perspective. I didn’t raid that place for months because I loved it, I raided there for so long as we had no other choice. ZG was released well after MC and that added an extra instance where we could fight at the beginning of gear levels. MC was brutal, tough, and unforgiving. That is the reason that the divide was so wide between the raiders and casuals in the original game.

There was no alternate path, so you raided MC until you had the gear needed, or quit.

By: Lumpi /cataclysm-4-month-review/comment-page-1/#comment-13510 Lumpi Mon, 11 Apr 2011 19:48:23 +0000 /?p=4284#comment-13510 I found heroics and raids to be pretty difficult and time consuming. I ended up turning my complete attention to PvP. I've been working in BG's and did some arena and am having a blast. Once I get into full purple set then i might go searching for a pvp guild. I don't even bother with raids and heroics anymore. I found heroics and raids to be pretty difficult and time consuming. I ended up turning my complete attention to PvP. I’ve been working in BG’s and did some arena and am having a blast. Once I get into full purple set then i might go searching for a pvp guild. I don’t even bother with raids and heroics anymore.

By: Dan /cataclysm-4-month-review/comment-page-1/#comment-13507 Dan Mon, 11 Apr 2011 19:08:32 +0000 /?p=4284#comment-13507 I cant comment much on the current Cata release as Ive stopped playing since WOTLK.. granted ive played nonstop since burning crusade with my pally leveled 1-70 as a tank was ranked as a top 10 tank then for my server. then from 71-80 ret and fell in love all over again with pallys. now seeing how things have gotten and all the feed back ive read im glad i decided to chill out on this expansion. Ive had hard core wow player friends leave for the reasons listed above and not to mention the mindset that Ret paladins should be healers instead of tank and ret.. were back to those days?? damn what happend wow? tsk tsk.. im still playing with the idea of coming back... but being that im a raider more than anything else ..i just dont know.. I cant comment much on the current Cata release as Ive stopped playing since WOTLK.. granted ive played nonstop since burning crusade with my pally leveled 1-70 as a tank was ranked as a top 10 tank then for my server. then from 71-80 ret and fell in love all over again with pallys. now seeing how things have gotten and all the feed back ive read im glad i decided to chill out on this expansion. Ive had hard core wow player friends leave for the reasons listed above and not to mention the mindset that Ret paladins should be healers instead of tank and ret.. were back to those days?? damn what happend wow? tsk tsk..

im still playing with the idea of coming back… but being that im a raider more than anything else ..i just dont know..
